Thousands in this country dream to make it big in the big screen. ‘Bollywood’ is the destination for many in India. Each year there are several students enrolling in the Best Film and Acting Schools in India to kick start their career as an actor, while a good deal of aspirants are eyeing the silver screen by taking up modeling, theatre etc. as gateways to the world of cinema. There are, of course a fair amount of deception the aspirants are into. They believe in myths which are nothing but misleading, listed below are some myths which budding actors can strictly not believe in.
You must look ravishing
Nope! There are numerous examples from our cinema industry itself which stands in contrary to this thought. You need not be a Greek God to land up in a meaningful role for yourself. Yes, being presentable is something that matters but that is true in case of any profession. So if you think you can’t make it because you don’t have those chiseled features and to-die-for body, you are wrong!
Casual headshots can work
Headshots are outright important. If it is a headshot it has to be taken by someone who is professional. Many claim to be professionals but in reality they might not even have the basic idea of the Photography courses in India and usually are amateurs. So chuck out the idea of a friend with a DSLR to click you headshots. Spend some money on someone professional, with proper experience.
Modeling & Theatres are gateways
Although we have eminent actors from the field of both theatres and modeling, these two should never be considered as the stepping stones of getting into mainstream acting. Modeling requires very different skill sets from what an actor would need, so is the case of theatres. They are distinct in their appeals. If you think you can use any of the platforms just to get into mainstream cinema, you need to re-think!